

I have decided on not having a Christmas tree this year. At least not a real one. We have recently painted the entire house. downstairs it is now completely white with a light grey floor. We love the serenity of it and have left our walls empty, for now. It just didn't feel right to hang our artwork up again, we first wanted to enjoy the whiteness. Hence we also didn't want to put up a tree in the house and choose for some alternative ways to decorate the house and make it Christmasy. The tree is filled with artwork the childeren have made over the last year at daycare and fit in perfectly with the white, black and gold theme I have this year. Except one but who cares...


My Scandinavian Home said...

I absolutely love your tree - it's so cute and such a wonderful idea! My little girls brought back some art from nursery too, next year I'll definitely remember this idea :)

Katja Volmerink - van de Riet said...

Wow, thank you so much! And hope you will enjoy your tree next your as much as I am enjoying mine.

Stephanie said...

Wat een lieve kerstboom! Dat schattige rendier-voetje... :)

Mirjam said...

Wat een leuke en originele boom :)) En leuke knutsels ook!

Stephanie Koster said...

Hele leuke foto's! en wat een leuke blog heb je. Ik volg!
P.s. bedankt dat ik op je bloglijst sta.

Groetjes, Stephanie