Yay, I have received my first Liebster Award and I just started my blog 1 month ago! Thank you so much Suus and Sas from MooisenMeer .
The Liebsteraward is given by bloggers to bloggers with less then 200 followers. When you receive the award, you thank the blogger that gave you the award and give the award forward to 11 (!) bloggers yourself. Next to that you answer 11 question from the blogger who gave you the award and ask the bloggers you give the award to 11 new questions. So a great opportunity to learn more about you favourite bloggers.
The 11 questions I got are below.
1. Happiness often comes in the form of small things. What small things really make you happy?
2. What would have been your name if you were a boy?
3. Why did you start your blog?
4. Describe the interior of your house in 3 sentences.
5. If you had to live in another country, what country would that be?
6. What is your favourite world city?
7. If money were no objection, what way would you prefer to spend your time/what work would you do?
8. What talent would you like to possess?
9. What is your most precious object (and we don't mean a person) in your house?
10. What is your favourite lifestyle/living store?
11. How do you celebrate Christmas?
1. My children gigling with eachother and my flower Green Gate mug filled with a steaming caramel soy latte.
2. Mark-Jeroen (dont blame me, blame my parrents!)
3. I have been thinking about this for ages but never had the courage to start. I always wanted to do something creative, but never knew what. A blog seemed the perfect way to start my creative route and combine it with my interest in interior design, stying, fashion and beautiful things.
4. Currently a lot of whites (not enough yet to my liking but getting there ;)) in different tones and materials, complemented with greys and on the first and second floor I added greyed blues. Design mixed with old furnite I refurbish myself. Currently still quit some items I would like to replace for fesher, cleaner furniture, but this is for the (someday) new house.
5. Switzerland
6. Difficult to choose, it all depends so much on the season... But honestly I am more of a country girl. I love the city, but only for a couple of hours, otherwise to much impressions make me restless ;).
7. Do more outdoor activities such as skiing, scubadiving, climbing etc with my husband and kids and focus my career completely on blogging, interior designing and designing my own wallpapers and fabrics.
8. Drawing skills and patience (that really is a talent!).
9. My Mac and our bed, I could not live without either of them. Not really interior minded huh!?
10. Currently I have almost no time to browse 'real' shops, so I do a lot of browsing online.There are to many shops to choose from... If I do need a 'real' shop fix I go to Nijhof in Baarn as that is quit close by.
11. We are both working the days around Christmas so we decided to spend Christmas at home, just the 4 of us. Nothing fancy, but some real quality time. Hopefully we will have a white Christmas so we can enjoy some outside time and then later snuggle up in front of the fireplace with some hot chocolate with whipped cream and dark rum. So no rushing, dressing up and driving around the country here :-).
Now the difficult task of giving the Liebsteraward to some really great bloggers that haven't received one recently.... I really dont know them yet, but as mentioned my bogging 'career' is recent and so I hope to learn of some amazing bloggers shortly. Thanks to Mooisenmeer I already know of some great bloggers to follow!
Really nice to read your answers! We wish you a merry and relaxing ;-) white christmas! Good luck with choosing 11 new bloggers! Curious which blogs you will nominate. xoxo
Ik ben ook benieuwd jaar je nominaties!
jaar = naar
Haastige spoed...
Hoera! Gefeliciteerd!
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