2012 however has been a year of reflection for me and my man and we started to really look at what we were doing and how and if we were still happy with this. We came to the conclusion we wanted to make some changes in our lifes, some big some small.
I, for example, have decided to start me blog! Just because I like writing, love pretty pictures and see all these other amazing things that inspire me. A blog is the perfect way for me to canalize my inspiration and to have it with me all the time, to share with others and meet new people with new ideas. An other love of mine is interior design. Luckily I haven't sat still the past years in this area and helped out many friends and family with giving them interior advise, but it is my dream to go professional with it, therefore I am going to take up an interior design course to give me more direction and tools. With my creative side finally unleashed, also comes my love for photography. But I do not have a camera yet, besides my iPhone 4... Buying a camera and doing a photography course is next on the wishlist. Maybe this one; the color and the retro look make me want to buy this camera in a hartbeat. Don't you just love it?!
Whiiiiha, gefeliciteerd met de launch, op naar de volgende post!!
x Iris
Heel veel plezier met je blog en interieurarchitectuuropleiding! Mooie camera, ik zou em gewoon kopen :)
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